Pet Project: Representational Drawings

Representational Drawings of Our Pets

Creating representational drawings is a very important piece of project work.  It encourages children to turn the abstract into something concrete.  This, after all, is the basis of writing.  We are instead using art to meet the same objective. 

Image may contain: dog

Here is what we need you to do:

1. Gather the drawing materials you have at home. I like to start with just pen or pencil.

2. Look at your pet. How many eyes does it have? Does it have ears? How many? Does it have a nose? Does it have legs? Can you count them? What covers its body? How can you draw that? What else can you draw so we know that it is your pet?
Image may contain: 1 personNo photo description available.

Image may contain: 1 person, sittingImage may contain: drawing

3. If you do not have a pet, you can draw Motu. He loves to see pictures of himself! 🥰🐶
4. You can also find a stuffed animal to draw.
5. Post a photo in the comments or direct message it to me! I’d love to add it to our online portfolio as we continue to study pets.

You can look back at our Concept Web from the start of our project.

Look at the representational drawings you have made:

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